
[DMM Eikaiwa] Teacher ID vs ....

1. Teacher ID vs how long teach

2. Teacher ID vs score

3. Teacher ID vs number of rating


[DMM Eikaiwa] How long does teacher teach English?

1. How many registered teachers in DMM Eikaiwa?

Currently Max teacher ID is 16360(as is Dec/2016). But registered teacher is only 5383(orange line). This number is stable around 5000 from April/2016.  DMM Eikaiwa tried to hire new teacher(so increase max ID number), but many teacher resigned.

2. How long does teacher teach English?

1 year(RED bar) is decreasing. Some teacher is step up to 2 years(Orange bar). But < 1 year(Blue bar)is not shift to 1 year(maybe resign before 1 year). So 1 year is decreasing, I think.
And if this trend(resign level high) continues, teacher skill level may be down because less than one year teacher will be increased.




登録(home pageにredirectされない)先生数は5436ぐらいです。


[FreeBSD] USB serial convertor

I bought USB serial convertor, and I use it with FreeBSD.

Akizuki Super micro USB Serial convertor module:AE-FT234X (This module uses FT234X chip)
ugen1.3: at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON (90mA)

I connect Raspberry PI with below command.
cu -l /dev/ttyU0 -s 115200