
[icecast/vlc]vlc setting for BB shout

Below configuration is for BB shout(http://bb-shout.tristate.ne.jp/)

rtmpdump {rtmpdump config} | ffmpeg -y -i - -vn -acodec copy -f adts /dev/stdout | \
vlc --intf=dummy /dev/stdin vlc://quit --sout '#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=48000}:duplicate{dst=std{access=shout,mux=raw,dst=source:{password}@{ice-cast server hostname}:{port number}/test.mp3}' --sout-shout-mp3 --sout-shout-name="test" --sout-shout-description="test" --sout-transcode-ab=128 --loop -V dummy --sout-shout-bitrate=128

Especially, We need bitrate information(--sout-shout-bitrate=128).
If we did not add bit rate information, BB shout could not connect ice cast server with ICY:-98 error in LCD and web interface.

And if samplerate of original stream is 48000Hz(48KHz), we also transcode 48KHz(samplerate=48000). I think this is limitation for vlc.

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