
[FreeBSD]SolidRun HummingBoard-i2

Current status of SolidRun HummingBoard-i2 with FreeBSD

[2019/04/02] below information merged into FreeBSD wiki arm imx6 page

  • FreeBSD-11.0-ALPHA6-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD-20160701-r302303.img
  • FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD-20160829-r305028.img
    • [SOLVED] boot but very slow
      • If I replace /boot/dtb files from 10.3-RELEASE, it' fine. maybe time clock device was broken.
      • This slow issue was solved with r310012, thank you, Oleksandr Tymoshenko.[2016/12/15]
    • [SOLVED] can't use upper USB port[NG].
      • This issue was solved with r311850. [2017/7/25]
    • [NOT SOLVED]after reboot, always push reset button(even power off) same as Linux.
      • This issue was related to r312679. but unfotunatelly My HummingBoard-i2 was not fixed.
  • FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD-20170717-r321072.img(maybe after March/2017 build SD-Card image)
    • [TEMPORARY SOLVED]could not boot at u-boot in latest image
      • related post at FreeBSD-arm@freebsd.org.
      • steps to mixed image[2017/8/4]
1. download images

11.RELEASE image for HUMMINGBOARD(because use for U-Boot)

latest 12-current image for HUMMINGBOARD

2. decompress image file.

# xz -d FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD.img.xz
# xz -d FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD-20170717-r321072.img.xz

3. copy 12-current image to new.img

# cp FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD-20170717-r321072.img new.img

(Currently I did not calculate image size, so I copy 12.0-CURRENT image to new image)

4. mdconfig those image files

# mdconfig FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD-20170717-r321072.img
# mdconfig FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD.img
# mdconfig new.img

4. copy 11.0-RELEASE image to new.img(copy u-boot files)

# dd if=/dev/md1 of=/dev/md2 bs=10240 conv=sync

(If I know the partition size of u-boot, maybe I only copy u-boot part)

5. expand md2s2a partition with fdisk and bsdlabel

# fdisk /dev/md2

    start 118784, size 3026944 (1478 Meg), flag

# bsdlabel -e /dev/md2s2

(sorry, I forgot to memorize detailed steps, if you want to know, please ask me)

6. dump 12-CURRENT '/' partition as /tmp/hummingboard-20170717.dump

# dump -0uaLC 32 -f /tmp/hummingboard-20170717.dump /dev/md0

7.  newfs md2s2a partition and mount to '/mnt'

# newfs /dev/md2s2a
# mount /dev/md2s2a /mnt

8 restore 12-CURRENT dump image

# cd /mnt
# restore -rf /tmp/hummingboard-20170717.dump

9. unmount md

# mdconfig -d -u 0
# mdconfig -d -u 1
# mdconfig -d -u 2

10. write new image to microSD Card(if you connect microSD as da0)

# dd if=new.img of=/dev/da0 bs=10240 conv=sync
    • [NOT SOLVED]after reboot, always push reset button(even power off) same as Linux.
      • This issue was related to r312679. but unfotunatelly My HummingBoard-i2 was not fixed.

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